Joseph Murphy w swojej kolejnej książce, Prawdy, które mogą odmienić twoje życie prowadzi nas drogą prostej teorii i skutecznej praktyki. Już sam tytuł tej książki zmusza nas do zastanowienia się, o j...
W klubie CoderDojo młodzi ludzie rozwijają pasję programowania, spotykają się z podobnymi sobie zapaleńcami, aby uczyć się nowych rzeczy i wspólnie, pod opieką mentora, realizować niesamowite projekty...
It wasn't a sweet REUNION. It was a RELAPSE. Preppy finds himself back in a world he once loved, but no longer recognizes. His dim smile can’t hide his inner turmoil and the people he views as family...
VI The Return of the Shadow VII The Treason of Isengard VIII The War of the Ring IX Sauron Defeated
Second installment - prequel novella to the Gloves Off series. This story follows several of my fighters but focuses on one, Tyler Rushing, who not only fights in the ring, but fights against his desi...
The second and final addition to Sammy Jo Knox story... what began as one thing will end in another. A love she wasn't looking for becomes something she can't hold. And the hero may just be someone yo...
The Phoenix Duology is a two-volume novel consisting of: The Phoenix – I’ll Find You. Part One The Phoenix – Awakening. Part Two Part Two is published under ISBN: 978-83-969248-5-8 In the...
The Pharmaceutical Engineering Series is a comprehensive reference for the pharmaceutical professional covering all aspects from quality, documentation and validation through manufacturing processes t...