
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "przede live i oliver", znaleziono 49

Olive Kitteridge
4 wydania
Olive Kitteridge
Elizabeth Strout
Cykl: Olive Kitteridge, tom 1

Najsłynniejsza, nagrodzona Pulitzerem powieść Elizabeth Strout, na podstawie której powstał znakomity serial HBO. Już nigdy nie zapomnicie Olive Kitteridge – jej gorzkiej ironii i szczerej empatii. ...

Olive powraca
2 wydania
Olive powraca
Elizabeth Strout
Cykl: Olive Kitteridge, tom 2

Kontynuacja kultowej książki Olive Kitteridge Olive Kitteridge, która stała się ikoniczną postacią dla milionów czytelników i widzów serialu HBO na całym świecie, nie pozwoliła o sobie zapomnieć. ...

Liver Radioembolization with 90y Microspheres
Liver Radioembolization with 90y Microspheres
S. Nag

This book provides an in-depth account of all aspects of radioembolization, a relatively novel technique based on the efficacy of radiotherapy for the treatment

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Liver Disease
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Liver Disease
Thomas Vogl

Early and accurate diagnosis forms the basis for successful treatment of patients with liver tumors. Pre- and post-therapeutic imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, CT, and MRI imaging-unenhanced as...

Metastatic Disease in the Liver – Current Therapeutic Approaches
Metastatic Disease in the Liver – Current Therapeutic Approaches
Andrzej Komorowski

EN Metastatic Disease in the Liver - Current Therapeutic Approaches offers a whole range of modern strategies for managing secondary liver malignancies. From diagnosis to non-operative strateg...

Real Live Boyfriends: Yes. Boyfriends, Plural. If My Life Weren't Complicated, I Wouldn't Be Ruby Oliver
Real Live Boyfriends: Yes. Boyfriends, Plural. If My Life Weren't Complicated, I Wouldn't Be Ruby Oliver
Emily Lockhart
Cykl: Ruby Oliver, tom 4

From E. Lockhart, author of the highly acclaimed, New York Times bestseller We Were Liars, which John Green called "utterly unforgettable," comes Real Live Boyfriends, the fourth book in the uproariou...

Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

"Olive" traces its eponymous heroines progress from ill-starred birth to maturity as a painter and wife. Crippled Olive Rothesay must not only win her parents affection but also overcome their initial...

Liver Cirrhosis
Liver Cirrhosis
J. Bosch

Liver cirrhosis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is the fifth most common cause of death between the ages of 25 and 45. To date it is not possible to inhibit or reverse prog...

Liver Metastases
Liver Metastases
J N Vauthey

This book overviews our current understanding of the biology of liver metastases, and reviews current methods of detection and diagnosis. Thereafter, the chapters offer objective and systematic review...

Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer
Steven A. Curley

Liver Cancer, the inaugural volume in the M.D. Anderson Solid Tumor Oncology series, provides the general surgeon, surgical oncologist, and medical oncologist with the most up-to-date and current stan...

C. Drinkwater

The Olive Season

C. Drinkwater

The Olive Farm

C. Drinkwater

"The stars shimmer like spilled handfuls of glitter. The day is beginningto rise with a faint mist. As I turn my head, ghostly halos, auras oflight, appear and disappear ... The silence is truly aweso...

Olive or Twist
Olive or Twist
Jack Ziegler

Olive or Twist? serves up a cocktail of laughter, taking in top-shelf treats (Could Chianti, Burgundy, and Rioja all come from the feet of the same Frenchman?) and low-grade liquor (Bar beer options: ...

GI-liver Secrets
GI-liver Secrets
Mc Nally

GI/Liver Secrets, a new additon to the extraordinarily popular 'Secrets' series, includes questions asked on rounds, in the clinic, and at bedside. Basics of patient management, pharmacology, patient ...

Olive Oil & Health
Olive Oil & Health
L. Quiles

Written by leading experts, this book reviews the current research evidence for the health benefits of a diet rich in olive oil. It focuses on the role of olive oil in reducing the incidence of certai...

Chronic Liver Failure
Chronic Liver Failure
P. Gines

Chronic liver failure is a frequent condition in clinical practice that encompasses all manifestations of patients with end-stage liver diseases. Chronic liver failure is a multiorgan syndrome that af...

Ethanol & the Liver
Ethanol & the Liver
R. Waston

Alcohol has been man's favourite beverage for thousands of years, and liver damage due to alcohol has become one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the Western world today. Ethanol an...

Transplantation of the Liver
Transplantation of the Liver
James Busuttil

This single volume, easy to read text features world experts who provide detailed descriptions of the disease states and complications arising from liver failure as well as the complications that foll...

Pediatric Gastrointestinal & Liver Disease
Pediatric Gastrointestinal & Liver Disease
Robert Wyllie

Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease provides you with everything you need to treat the full range of diseases -- in a single, concise, clinically focused volume! * Offers a bonus web site fea...

Clinician's Guide to Liver Disease
Clinician's Guide to Liver Disease
K. Reddy

The Clinician's Guide to Liver Disease is a user-friendly, quick reference for the management of acute and chronic liver disease for the gastroenterologist. Drs. K. Rajender Reddy and Thomas Faust pro...

Liver Disease Diagnosis & Management
Liver Disease Diagnosis & Management
B. Bacon

Edited by two internationally known and respected hepatologists, this new resource examines the important concepts, principles, and facts needed for the daily care and management of liver disease pati...

Olive Processing Waste Management
Olive Processing Waste Management
M. Niaounakis

The book contains a comprehensive review of literature and patent survey concerning olive processing waste. Over 1,000 citations are presented. Wastes considered include olive cultivation solid waste,...

Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
Elizabeth Anne Montgomery, Christine A. Iacobuzio-Donahue

"The Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series" answers the call for fresh, affordable, and easy-to-use guidance. Each region-specific volume provides all of the most essential information on the pa...

GI/Liver Secrets 3e
GI/Liver Secrets 3e
Mc Nally P.

Uses bulleted lists, tables, short answers, and a highly detailed index to expedite reference. Features pearls, tips, memory aids, and "secrets" from the experts. Covers all of today's most common con...

Liver Disease in Children
Liver Disease in Children
F. Suchy

Completely revised new edition of the premier reference on pediatric liver disease. Liver Disease in Children, 3rd Edition provides authoritative coverage of every aspect of liver disease affecting in...

Desert Olive Oil Cultivation
Desert Olive Oil Cultivation
Zeev Wiesman

Cultivation of olives in semi-arid environments poses specific challenges and concerns. From selecting the most appropriate variety with which to start, to understanding and exploiting the impact of v...

Liver and Pancreatobiliary Surgery
Liver and Pancreatobiliary Surgery
R. Sutcliffe

The handbook provides concise descriptions of diseases affecting the liver, biliary tree and pancreas, including their management. Interventional procedures and operative techniques form a substantial...

Gastrointestinal & Liver Disease 2 vols
2 wydania
Gastrointestinal & Liver Disease 2 vols
M. Feldman

The most complete reference work available on the subject, Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 7th Edition provides a balanced, detailed account of the basic science of the d...

Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver
Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver
S. Geller

Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver is a practical source of information to understand the diseases of the liver, with particular emphasis on the histopathology of those diseases. The book offers clear...

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