
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "przez label i oraz", znaleziono 6

Projekt: miłość
Projekt: miłość
Kelly Yang

Serene pochodzi z Chin, ale od lat mieszka w Kalifornii. Należy do szkolnej elity. Marzy o tym, żeby w przyszłości projektować ubrania, tak jak jej mama, która jest współwłaścicielką dobrze prosperuj...

Record Label Marketing
Record Label Marketing
Thomas Hutchison

Record Label Marketing provides clear, in-depth information on corporate marketing processes, combining marketing theory with the real world "how to" practiced in marketing war rooms. This industry-de...

Private Label Strategy
Private Label Strategy
N. Kumar

As retailers have become more powerful and global, they have increasingly focused on their own brands at the expense of manufacturer brands. Rather than simply selling on price, retailers have transfo...

Record Label Marketing 2e
Record Label Marketing 2e
T. Hutchison

Record Label Marketing" offers a comprehensive look at the inner workings of record labels, showing how the record labels connect commercial music with consumers. In the current climate of selling mus...

How to Set Up and Run a Fashion Label
How to Set Up and Run a Fashion Label
Toby Meadows

It doesnat matter how talented a designer you are, if you are going to run a successful fashion business you also need to know about everything from marketing and PR, to manufacturing your collection ...

6 wydań
Black Label Society, Ryszard Sieroński, Gábor Gellért

The pre-dawn arrests of the last remaining mafiosi in December 2008 signalled the end of the Sicilian Mafia as we know it. In "Mafia: Inside the Dark Heart", A.G.D. Maran charts the complete history o...

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