
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "random jakie", znaleziono 27

Random Polymers
Random Polymers
Frank den Hollander

Polymer chains that interact with themselves and/or with their environment are fascinating objects, displaying a range of interesting physical and chemical phenomena. The focus in this monograph is on...

Strange Logic of Random Graphs
Strange Logic of Random Graphs
Joel Spencer

The study of random graphs was begun by Paul Erdos and Alfred Renyi in the 1960s and now has a comprehensive literature. A compelling element has been the threshold function, a short range in which ev...

Handbook of Large-Scale Random Networks
Handbook of Large-Scale Random Networks
Béla Bollobás

This handbook describes advances in large scale network studies that have taken place in the past 5 years since the publication of the "Handbook of Graphs and Networks in 2003". It covers all aspects ...

Large-deviation theorems for sums of independent and identically distributed random vectors
2 wydania
Large-deviation theorems for sums of independent and identically distributed random vectors
Oleksandr Zaihraiev

Contents Introduction; Large-deviation theorems for heavy-tailed distributions attracted by normal law (Regularly varying absolutely continuous distributions * Theorems and corollaries * Proofs * Regu...

Zagubione dni
Zagubione dni
James Hilton

Ranny na wojnie John Smith przebywa w specjalnym instytucie w Melbridge. Cierpi na amnezję. Kończy się I wojna światowa. Mieszkańcy Melbridge tańcami i śpiewem czczą radosny dzień. John zwabiony świą...

Błądząc po Wall Street
Błądząc po Wall Street
Burton G. Malkiel

Jedna z najbardziej znanych książek o inwestowaniu na giełdzie. Nieustannie wznawiana i aktualizowana, pozostaje klasycznym wykładem teorii efektywności rynku. Według Malkiela ruchy cen na giełdzie s...

Chaotyczne akty bezsensownej przemocy
2 wydania
Chaotyczne akty bezsensownej przemocy
Jack Womack

Jesteśmy w czasach nieco późniejszych niż współczesne. Dwunastoletnia Lola Hart prowadzi pamiętnik. Jest szczęśliwą dziewczynką z dobrze sytuowanej rodziny. Jednak w chylącym się ku upadkowi Nowym Jor...

Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary
Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary
Random House

Provides entries for over 315,000 words and phrases.

Random Matrices 142
Random Matrices 142
M. Mehta

This book gives a coherent and detailed description of analytical methods devised to study random matrices. These methods are critical to the understanding of various fields in in mathematics and math...

Probability & Random Processes
2 wydania
Probability & Random Processes
K. Venkataraman

A resource for probability AND random processes, with hundreds of worked examples and probability and Fourier transform tables This survival guide in probability and random processes eliminates the ne...

Random Dynamical Systems
Random Dynamical Systems
Arnold L.

This book is the first systematic presentation of the theory of dynamical systems under the influence of randomness. It includes products of random mappings as well as random and stochastic differenti...

Introduction to Random Signals & Noise
Introduction to Random Signals & Noise
Van Etten

Random signals and noise are present in many engineering systems and networks. Signal processing techniques allow engineers to distinguish between useful signals in audio, video or communication equip...

Pseudo Random Signal Processing
Pseudo Random Signal Processing
Hans-Jurgen Zepernick

In recent years, pseudo random signal processing has proven to be a critical enabler of modern communication, information, security and measurement systems. The signal?s pseudo random, noise-like prop...

Periodically Correlated Random Sequences
Periodically Correlated Random Sequences
Harry L. Hurd

This much-needed reference and textbook surveys spectral theory and practice and introduces readers to periodically correlated random sequences. Comprehensively combining theory, application, and comp...

Random Networks for Communication
Random Networks for Communication
M. Franceschetti

When is a random network (almost) connected? How much information can it carry? How can you find a particular destination within the network? And how do you approach these questions - and others - whe...

Random House Roget's Thesaurus
Random House Roget's Thesaurus

Containing more than eleven thousand main entries, a handy, alphabetically arranged thesaurus offers more than 200,000 synonyms and antonyms grouped by meanings, fields of interest, and levels of form...

Random Matrices High Dimensional Phenomena
Random Matrices High Dimensional Phenomena
G. Blower

This book focuses on the behaviour of large random matrices. Standard results are covered, and the presentation emphasizes elementary operator theory and differential equations, so as to be accessible...

Introduction to Fronts in Random Media
Introduction to Fronts in Random Media
J. Xin

The aim of this book is to give a user friendly tutorial of an interdisciplinary research topic (fronts in random media) to senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students with basic knowledge o...

Random House Book of Fairy Tales
Random House Book of Fairy Tales

A lush treasury of 19 fairy tales that generations of children have grown up on, lushly illustrated by Diane Goode.

Random House Dictionary of Business Terms
Random House Dictionary of Business Terms
Jay Nisberg

Here is a totally new, up-to-date and authoritative dictionary of essential business terms--in short, an indispensable reference of incomparable value in a convenient vest pocket size.

Random Walk Down Wall Street 9e
Random Walk Down Wall Street 9e
B. Malkiel

Updated with a new chapter that draws on behavioural finance, the field that studies the psychology of investment decisions, here is the best-selling, authoritative and gimmick-free guide to investing...

Random House Webster's English Learner's Dictionary
Random House Webster's English Learner's Dictionary

Random House Webster's English Learner's Dictionary puts simple, clear definitions for a complete basic vocabulary in your pocket.Over 36,000 words and phrasesHundreds of common idiomsClear, helpful u...

Random Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications
Random Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications
R. Bhattacharya

This treatment provides an exposition of discrete time dynamic processes evolving over an infinite horizon. Chapter 1 reviews some mathematical results from the theory of deterministic dynamical syste...

Large Random Matrices. Lectures on Macroscopic Asymptotics
Large Random Matrices. Lectures on Macroscopic Asymptotics
Alice Guionnet

Random matrix theory has developed in the last few years, in connection with various fields of mathematics and physics. These notes emphasize the relation with the problem of enumerating complicated g...

Probability & Random Processes for Electrical & Computer Eng
Probability & Random Processes for Electrical & Computer Eng
J. Gubner

The theory of probability is a powerful tool that helps electrical and computer engineers to explain, model, analyze, and design the technology they develop. The text begins at the advanced undergradu...

Random House Webster's Pocket Reference Boxed Set
Random House Webster's Pocket Reference Boxed Set

The following content was provided by the publisher. -- 40,000 entries, including hundreds of new words and meanings. -- Each entry has been reviewed for clarity and conciseness. -- Pocket size and du...

Spectral Theory for Random and Nonautonomous Parabolic Equat
Spectral Theory for Random and Nonautonomous Parabolic Equat
J. Mierczynski

Providing a basic tool for studying nonlinear problems, Spectral Theory for Random and Nonautonomous Parabolic Equations and Applications focuses on the principal spectral theory for general time-depe...

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