Heat shock proteins are a distinctive class of proteins that have evolved to cope with stress and to provide cellular defense against a wide range of cell injuries. Cellular stress responses include a...
Zalecenia dietetyczne dla chorych na przewlekłą chorobę nerek. Jeśli zdiagnozowano u ciebie przewlekłą chorobę nerek, to musisz zacząć stosować szereg ograniczeń dietetycznych. Oznacza to zmianę n...
This complete review of renal pathophysiology provides the basis for understanding common renal diagnostics and therapeutics. All key concepts of renal structure and function are covered in this conci...
This text addresses aspects of medical nephrology, in a comprehensive manner with a special emphasis on prevention and treatment. The entire spectrum of renal diseases is considered in a clear and ana...
More than 1200 individuals die from renal cell carcinoma on an annual basis in the US. During the 1990s a significant amount of the new information concerning the epidemiology, molecular and immunolog...
First published in 1994, this concise textbook provides second-year medical students with a case-based approach to learning mechanisms of renal disease. Text Features: * Each chapter begins with a pat...
Renal Cell Cancer: Diagnosis and Therapy covers a number of topics in the field of renal cell cancer ranging from diagnostics, cancer research, molecular biology, immunology and clinical management. I...
This text offers medical students a case-based approach to learning mechanisms of renal disease. Each chapter covers a disease and begins with a patient case, followed by discussion of the pathophysio...
Chronics Kidney Disease (CKD) is epidemic worldwide. This issue explores the risk factors and genetics of CKD, and well as the management of CKD. Risk and treatment options for special patient populat...
Written by a team of 5 well-respected and world renowned renal pathologists, "The Fundamentals of Renal Pathology" will provide the general pathologist, pathology residents and fellows in training, th...
All papers have been peer-reviewed. A generation ago, the management of patients with urinary stones was forever altered with the introduction of minimally invasive treatment techniques such as shock ...
The Renal System at a Glance provides a concise and accessible introduction and revision aid for medical students. Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a ...
Covering all aspects of the syllabus, "Crash Course" offers students a fast way to recap on what they need to know to get through the exams with ease. Styled in an easy-to-follow, readily accessible f...
ANNOUNCING THE NEW VERSION OF THE ACCLAIMED CRASH COURSE SERIES, REWORKED FOR STUDENTS SITTING THE USMLE EXAMS! Clear text covers the essential concepts of each discipline or specialty; learning featu...
Crash Course! is a revision series for students on system based and integrated courses. Written by medical students for medical students under faculty supervision, the content focuses in on what medic...
This new atlas covers all major inflammatory, infectious, pre-neoplastic, and neoplastic diseases of the kidney. Over 600 illustrations help readers to recognize the pathologic features and clinical ...
The leading textbook on the subject. A completely rewritten and up-to-date fifth edition, based upon the highly respected fourth edition, edited by C. Jacobs, C.M. Kjellstrand, K.M. Koch and J.F. Winc...
This illustrated handbook provides a short, clear, useful and interesting guide to the findings in renal biopsy specimens. Essential information needed for an understanding of renal disorders is give...
Increased recognition of the overlap between critical care and renal medicine, and recent advances in the understanding of acute renal failure and the application of renal replacement therapies, have ...
The last few years have seen major advances in all aspects of the understanding and treatment of kidney cancer, particularly the commonest variant clear cell carcinoma of the kidney. This book brings ...
This is an invaluable reference source for physicians and other health care professionals managing patients with renal failure and significant heart disease. Chronic renal failure patients represent a...
This is the seventh monograph in the series Progress and Controversies in Oncologic Urology (PACIOU). Containing contributions from experts from around the globe, this book provides the most up-to-dat...
This book focuses on the pathology of renal tumors. Articles will discuss: metanephric neoplasms; translocation kidney carcinomas; oncocytic renal neoplasms; nephroblastic neoplasms; clear renal cell ...