Nasza historia rozpoczyna się pięć tysięcy lat przed narodzinami Lukea Skywalkera... Dzięki odkryciu hipernapędu imperium Sith rozrosło się na tysiące systemów. Panuje w nim przemoc i terror. Poszczeg...
Ostatni tom cyklu sensacyjnego z elementami okultystycznymi.
Nasza historia rozpoczyna się pięć tysięcy lat przed narodzeniem Lukea Skywalkera... Dzięki odkryciu hipernapędu imperium Sith rozrosło się na tysiące systemów. Panuje w nim przemoc i terror. Poszczeg...
This multi-authored effort, Mathematics of the nineteenth century (to be fol lowed by Mathematics of the twentieth century), is a sequel to the History of mathematics from antiquity to the early nin...
Jealous of Alice and Kyô's feeling for each other, Mayura embraces the forces of the dark nether world she is trapped in and ventures to use the negative power of the Maram Words. Sibling rivalry reac...
Alice's sister, Mayura Seno, is under the control of Darva, dark mistress of the Maram Words--and Alice and Kyô Wakamiya are the only two people who have a chance of saving her from the dark side! Can...
New allies Mei Lin and Billy come to the aid of Alice, Kyô, Nyozeka, Frey, and Chris in their fight against the dark forces of Mara. Together, they continue the struggle to save Alice's sister Mayura ...
Alice Seno is a seemingly shy and meek girl who always seems to be outshined by her older sister Mayura. One day, Alice has an encounter with a mysterious and magical rabbit girl, and her life is turn...
Kyô Wakamiya joins Alice Seno's endeavor to save her sister, Mayura, from the darkness. From out of nowhere, a mysterious handsome man named Frei appears to claim Alice as his fiancée and he too, offe...
Jealousy makes the heart grow darker and Mayura's envy of Alice and Kyô's developing relationship makes her vulnerable to being devoured by Darva, dark mistress of the Maram words. Neo Lotis Masters, ...
Alice is desperate to rescue her sister Mayura, who has been ensnared by the embodiment of evil called Darva. In defiance of Nyozeka's warnings, Alice and the other young Lotis Masters enter Darva's s...