
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sara eraka o", znaleziono 5

Contemporary Photography from the Far East
Contemporary Photography from the Far East
F. Maggio

A true catalogue raisonné, Asian Dub presents the works of twenty-one of Asia’s most important contemporary artists who have made their mark on the international contemporary art scene in the fields o...

The Far East in Wilanów. Daleki wschód. Wersja angielska
The Far East in Wilanów. Daleki wschód. Wersja angielska
Anna Ekielska

New publication from 200 Years Of The Wilanów Museum series presents collection of art from the Far East: Chinese and Japanese porcelain, lacquer artefacts, carved stone, ivory and roots, as well as o...

Far East & Australasia 2007
Far East & Australasia 2007

This is a systematic survey of all the countries of East Asia, South-East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. It is essential for anyone with a professional interest in the region. I...

British Infantryman in the Far East 1941-45 (Warrior #66)
British Infantryman in the Far East 1941-45 (Warrior #66)
A. Jeffreys

This title focuses on the experience, tactics, training and weapons of the British soldier from the Fall of Malaya and Singapore until the Reconquest of Burma. It takes a close look at jungle warfare ...

Lockheed SR-71 Operations in the Far East (C.A.#76)
Lockheed SR-71 Operations in the Far East (C.A.#76)
P. Crickmore

Even before the first operational flight of the U-2 spy plane, aircraft designers began work on the type's replacement. The result was the SR-71. First deployed on March 9, 1968, this tri-sonic 'hotro...

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