Flemish or Adaptive Approach to Paraconsistency Diderik Batens, Towards the Unification of Inconsistency Handling Mechanisms Joke Meheus, On the Acceptance of Problem Solutions Derived from Inconsiste...
Preface Professor Newton C. A. da Costa Awarded Nicolaus Copernicus University Medal of Merit Program of the Conference, List of Participants & Acknowledgements Overture Jerzy Perzanowski, Fifty Years...
Książka ukazuje kolejne rękopisy na szerokim tle sztuki niderlandzkiej XV i XVI wieku. Hasła katalogowe mają charakter rozszerzony i wzorowane są na wzorcowych wiedeńskich katalogach zbiorów Ősterreic...
Polish, or Modal, Approach to Paraconsistency Jerzy Perzanowski: Parainconsistency, or inconsistency tamed, investigated and exploited Lafayette de Morales and Jair Mino Abe: Some Results on Jaśkowski...
This volume highlights new insights into the mechanisms of bone development, including cellular and mechanical factors, receptors, and signaling pathways and their role in both normative and pathologi...
Part I of the two-part issue on kidney diseases and hypertension focuses on kidney diseases, emphasizing treatment and management techniques used by primary care physicians.
A search for the soul of England? What planet was I living on? I might just as well have gone in search of a new design of wheelie bin. Or the perfect pork pie. When Steve Haywood hits 50, he is galva...
Focuses on the real mistakes students make in the exam and shows how to avoid them. This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid the...