This book studies one of the most striking chapters in the history of late antique monastic culture, provided by the monastic legacy of Gaza. A monastic intellectual community flourished in the region...
This fascinating book presents the unusual career of a scientist of Chinese Malaysian origin, Ho Peng Yoke, who became a humanist and rendered his services to both Eastern and Western intellectual wor...
Dzień jak codzień w zwyczajnej japońskiej szkole... Takashi, zmęczony nauką i świadomością, że jego szkolna miłość chodzi z innym, robi sobie przerwę od zajęć na dachu szkolnego budynku... i obserwuje...
The conference Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of School Education? was organised in April 2006 jointly by the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe and the ...
In the current social situation it is both school roles and the means of educational operation that are subject to change. School generates internal changes and reacts to transformations in various fi...
Tom podsumowujący działalność naukową i edytorską prof. Antoniego Kuklińskiego. Wydany z okazji 80. urodzin profesora. Tom w języku angielskim. From Editor's note: We would like to take this opportun...
This beginning-reader book features the adventures of best friends Sparky and Eddie as they face the first day of school. The boys excitement turns to disappointment when they discover they are not in...
“A marvelously affecting memoir of the war in Lebanon: perfectly pitched and intensely evocative, and all the more powerful for being seen through the eyes of a child.”—William Boyd “Delicate and un...
The 'Architecture in Detail' series comprises books that focus on individual buildings noted for their exceptional character, innovative design or technical virtuosity. Each volume contains a text by ...
Completely updated, the 3rd edition of this practical, highly portable manual offers quick access to the most relevant health and wellness information for children - from birth through age 21 - in the...
The Dsseldorf School is renowned around the world, and is today synonymous with high artistic standards and a highly diverse and new approach to the medium of photography. There has been no other art ...
A scintillating, gorgeously written historical novel about a mother and a daughter in eighteenth-century France, beginning with decadence and palace intrigue at Versailles and ending in an explosive n...
Lance D. Fusarelli examines the relationship between the charter school and voucher issues: To what degree does political support for charter schools - from a coalition of teacher associations, school...
The Handbook of International School Psychology provides a description of the specialty of psychology devoted to the provision of services to children and youth, their teachers, and parents around the...
This comprehensive textbook - based on the teaching courses of the famous Donald School courses - is a detailed introduction to transvaginal sonography ĂTVS¨. This important diagnostic technique is w...
This volume of poetry follows the school year from the first day back in September to the end of the summer term covering all the events in-between - sports day, school trips, author visits - as well ...
In this entry in the I Spy series, readers are invited to search cluttered and colorful photographs for school-related hidden objects.
Cambridge pragmatism was recognizably different from the instumentalism of Dewey's Chicago school. Until James's death in 1910, commentators on pragmatism typically either wrote about James's pragmati...
Anakin Skywalker is not an average teen. He has spent his adolescence surrounded by other Jedi. But now the son of a Senator has gone missing, and Anakin must infiltrate an elite school in order to fi...
A collection of jokes and riddles about the weird figures living in Bailey City.
Color Doppler, power Doppler, three-dimensional and four-dimensional imaging are just a few of the breakthroughs that have moved diagnostic ultrasound forward. Featuring more than 650 color illustrati...
With each passing year, the educational landscape continues to become increasingly diversified across race and culture. This poses a significant challenge to schools worldwidea "and particularly to sc...
Towards a social Architecture is addressed to a wide readership; to present-day policy makers,architects and educationists everywhere, as well as to those interested in the history of post-war buildin...
The photograph on the front of this book is, in a way, a double symbol. Firstly, it presents the Lvovian philosophical milieu around 1925 when its three main figures were Kazimierz Twardowski, Kazimi...