
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "seks endu", znaleziono 6

Seks, druk i rock and roll
Seks, druk i rock and roll
Leszek Bugajski

Kiedy Bóg Ojciec i Matka Natura wyprodukowali człowieka, nie zdawali sobie pewnie sprawy z tego, że skazują go na ciężkie życie. By mu było lżej, człowiek wymyślił sobie kulturę, która miała go zabawi...

Views on Fuzzy Sets and Systems from Different Perspectives
Views on Fuzzy Sets and Systems from Different Perspectives
R. Seising

In our new century, the theory of fuzzy sets and systems is in the core of "Soft Computing" and "Computational Intelligence" and has become a normal scientific theory in the fields of exact sciences a...

The aim and sense of the prisoners? life in aspect of penal rehabilitation
The aim and sense of the prisoners? life in aspect of penal rehabilitation
Robert Parol, Anetta Jaworska

There are constantly reappearing questions about the point of institutional rehabilitation, during which, instead of changes in personality, there is a developing personality degradation of the nature...

Lattices and Ordered Sets
Lattices and Ordered Sets
Steven Roman

This book is intended to be a thorough introduction to the subject of order and lattices and can be used for a course at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level or for independent study. Prerequi...

Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces
Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces
Pertti Mattila

Now in paperback, the main theme of this book is the study of geometric properties of general sets and measures in euclidean spaces. Applications of this theory include fractal-type objects such as st...

Practical Intelligence The Art and Science of Common Sense
Practical Intelligence The Art and Science of Common Sense
Karl Albrecht

Karl Albrecht's bestselling book Social Intelligence showed us how dealing with people and social situations can determine success both at work and in life. Now, in this groundbreaking book Practical ...

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