The first to combine both the bioinorganic and the organometallic view, this handbook provides all the necessary knowledge in one convenient volume. Edited by the highly renowned William Tolman, who h...
Zmiany zachodzące w Ameryce w latach sześćdziesiątych XX wieku oraz wzrost liczby imigrantów z krajów Trzeciego Świata przyniosły stopniowe zatarcie granic pomiędzy literaturą a etnografią. Antropolog...
Książka jest analitycznym studium procesów innowacji w małych przedsiębiorstwach oraz roli tych przedsiębiorstw w dynamizowaniu rozwoju lokalnego. Empiryczną podstawę pracy tworzą wyniki badań przepro...
Monografia skierowana jest przede wszystkim do czytelników polskich, a jedną z podstawowych przesłanek przyświecających jej autorowi jest wypełnienie luki informacyjnej i pogłębienie wiedzy na temat a...
W czasach żywności genetycznie modyfikowanej targi przeżywają prawdziwy renesans, będąc źródłem świeżych, ekologicznych produktów i lokalnych specjałów. Szefowie kuchni najlepszych restauracji z całeg...
When 15-year-old Selena Foster is dragged to a boarding school for Supernaturals, she should be thrilled. Instead, she finds herself struggling with insanity and the pull of darkness, because, even a...
Small Plains, Kansas, January 23, 1987: In the midst of a deadly blizzard, eighteen-year-old Rex Shellenberger scours his father?s pasture, looking for helpless newborn calves. Then he makes a shockin...
The period since 1989 has been marked by the global endorsement of open markets, the free flow of finance capital and liberal ideas of constitutional rule, and the active expansion of human rights. Wh...
Student-friendly in style and international in scope and relevance, this book provides an accessible introduction to the economics of small business for those with little knowledge of economics. Econo...
This is an excellent book which covers a lot of ground and which looks to appreciate the strategic needs of the type of firm which populates the majority of industries in all countries: small, indepen...
This third graphic novel in the Elsewhere Chronicles completes the trilogy begun in The Shadow Door (2009), but also leaves things open for further installments. The four children continue their searc...
The foundations of the enterprise economy are identified as being at start-up. Tracking 150 new firms through the early years of their existence, this informative book provides the reader with rich in...
The Ras superfamily (>150 human members) encompasses Ras GTPases involved in cell proliferation, Rho GTPases involved in regulating the cytoskeleton, Rab GTPases involved in membrane targeting/fusion ...
Christina's mother walked out on her when she was just six years old. Now in her early thirties Christina has reached a desperate crossroads as a mother herself and goes on the run with her youngest, ...
The 5th edition of this indispensable resource continues to provide you with the most up-to-date and clinically pertinent information in an understandable and easy-to-use outline format. Organized by ...
Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography provides a highly visual guide to the use of diagnostic ultrasound in small animal practice. This updepth reference that provides thorough coverage of ultrasound ...
Handbook of Small Animal MRI will help you make the most of one of the greatest advancements in veterinary practice in recent years, magnetic resonance imaging. Those using the services of mobile scan...
Packed with thrills and suspense this spine-chilling title is an exciting addition to series two of the Young Reading programme.Creepy and atmospheric illustrations makes this tale of terrifying night...
For centuries the Byzantine Empire has been in decline; now the capital of the world lies open to the rampaging Turkish army. Only the promised arrival of the First Crusade will save Byzantium and Chr...
The newest novel in Gail Z. Martin's breathtaking Ascendant Kingdoms saga -- a tale of unpredictable magic, battling warlords, and the lust for vengeance. The lines are drawn. The war has begun. Bla...
The Time of Troubles had arrived. The chaos of spilled blood, lawless strife, monsters unleashed, and avatars roaming Faerûn had come. But wrathful and warring gods were not Faerûn's only problem. Th...
It was the eve of the Time of Troubles. The chaos of spilled blood, lawless strife, monsters unleashed, and avatars roaming Faerûn was still to come. The gods were about to be summoned to a reckoning,...
Overwhelmed by her uncanny ability to manipulate people’s emotions through her music, Miranda Grey comes to the attention of vampire lord David Solomon. Believing he can help bring her magic under con...
The Manual is organized by systems, using a semi-outline format. It covers both medicine and surgery in a single text, making it a ready reference for understanding the disease process and treatment o...
Clinical Imaging of the Small Intestine offers a complete review of small bowel radiology and its applications. With contributions from leading international authorities, the book provides the reader ...
In this collection of classic work from the 1980s, Bailey abstains fromany comment or explanation but shows the reader the world of a maturephotographer whose vision has been sharpened by time.
Set in the bitter twilight of apartheid in South Africa in the 1970s, The Smell of Apples is a haunting story narrated by eleven-year-old Marnus Erasmus, who records the social turmoil and racial oppr...
Sweet Smell of Success is the smartest, most cynical American film of the 1950s. Written by Ernest Lehman (North by Northwest, The Sound of Music) and the celebrated leftist playwright Clifford Odets,...