
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "soba za dla", znaleziono 268

Readymade Job Search Letters
Readymade Job Search Letters
L. Williams

A well-written letter can help you to secure a job interview. It directs attention to your good points and away from your weaker ones, helping you to create the right impression and get your point acr...

Viral Data in SOA
Viral Data in SOA
N. Fishman

Praise Quotes for Viral Data in SOA: An Enterprise Pandemic "Data quality is a critical success factor for enterprise data management. Assuring a high level of data quality in a service-oriented archi...

Dynamic SOA and BPM
Dynamic SOA and BPM
M. Fiammante

Achieve Breakthrough Business Flexibility and Agility by Integrating SOA and BPM Thousands of enterprises have adopted Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based on its promise to help them respond mor...

Desktop guides. Job applications
Desktop guides. Job applications
Gary Dexter

"Job Applications" provides invaluable assistance to people at any stage of job-hunting in the modern world, whether currently unemployed or simply looking for a change. It covers in detail every aspe...

Filling Out Job Applications
Filling Out Job Applications
S. McDavid

Get That Job! is an eight-book series that targets adult learners to improve communication and language skills to aid them in getting jobs. Real-life activities prepare students for real job-search si...

Studies on the Testament of Job
Studies on the Testament of Job
M. Knibb

Bringing together as it does papers delivered at the 1986 and 1987 meetings of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas Pseudepigrapha Seminar, this collection takes as its theme the Testament of Job. F...

Bob the Builder Sticker Fun
Bob the Builder Sticker Fun

A 32 page Bob the Builder colouring book - Bob and the team have moved to Sunflower Valley to build an environmentally-friendly town from the ground up. Join them in Project Build It! Colour in the pi...

Bob the Builder Colour It
Bob the Builder Colour It

A 32 page Bob the Builder colouring book - Bob and the team have moved to Sunflower Valley to build an environmentally-friendly town from the ground up. Join them in Project Build It! Colour in the pi...

SOA Principles of Service Design
SOA Principles of Service Design
T. Erl

A part of Thomas Erl's SOA series, this title is designed to turn IT professionals into "true" SOA professionals. This specifically means turning the reader into someone who has a clear vision of what...

Brilliant Job Hunter's Manual UK
Brilliant Job Hunter's Manual UK
Ann Fagan

Job hunting. It's time consuming, it's hard work and it's very stressful. What kind of job do I really want? Where should I start looking? Is my CV up to scratch? Do I need to go to a recruitment agen...

Understanding IBM SOA Foundation Suite
Understanding IBM SOA Foundation Suite
T. Ng

The IBM SOA Foundation Suite is an integrated, open-standards-based set of software, best practices, and patterns that help you systematically maximize the business value of SOA. Understanding IBM SOA...

Cambridge English for Job-hunting
Cambridge English for Job-hunting

Cambridge English for Job-hunting is designed to develop the specialist English language knowledge and communication skills that job-seekers need to apply for and secure jobs. Ideal for both working p...

The Little Book of Bob
The Little Book of Bob
James Bowen
Cykl: Kot Bob, tom 4

'I know it might sound strange or even slightly silly to say this about a cat, but I find Bob inspirational. It's as if he is some ancient philosopher who understands everything and everyone around hi...

How to Get the Best Graduate Job
How to Get the Best Graduate Job
P. Brown

You're one of 400,000 students to graduate from university in a year. You want a good graduate job. Yet you know competition is fierce. This is the first book to go behind the scenes and show you exac...

How to Get a Job You'll Love
How to Get a Job You'll Love
S. Lee

It teaches you how to think outside the box, tap into your hidden talents and identify what type of career you really want. It seeks to overcome some of the most common mental barriers to changing car...

SOE Agent Churchill's Secret Warriors (W.#133)
SOE Agent Churchill's Secret Warriors (W.#133)
T. Crowdy

On average a Special Operations Executive (SOE) agent would be dead within three months of being parachuted into action. Terry Crowdy tells the extraordinary story of these agents, some of whom were w...

Love the Work Hate the Job
Love the Work Hate the Job
D. Kusnet

Praise for "Love the Work, Hate the Job": 'With energy, fine reporting, and a sure grasp of the realities of people's working lives, David Kusnet has written one of the most important studies of how p...

SOA and Web Services Interface Design
SOA and Web Services Interface Design
J. Bean

With the introduction of increasingly complex Web services over the last decade, there has been an explosion of interest in service-oriented architecture (SOA), a structural style whose goal is to ach...

Bob Dylan Bruce Springsteen & American Song
Bob Dylan Bruce Springsteen & American Song
L. Smith

This study exposes the depth of Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen's philosophies, creative vision, stylistic tendencies and contributions to their craft. It offers a comparative analysis that synthesize...

The Many Roads of Bob Dylan
The Many Roads of Bob Dylan

Considers the iconic singer-songwriter from 4 perspectives: his complicated relationship to blackness, the underrated influence of his singing style, his fascinating image in films, and his controvers...

Interconnect-Centric Design for Advanced SOC & NOC
Interconnect-Centric Design for Advanced SOC & NOC
Jari Nurmi, Axel Jantsch

In Interconnect-centric Design for Advanced SoC and NoC, we have tried to create a comprehensive understanding about on-chip interconnect characteristics, design methodologies, layered views on differ...

How to Get a Job You ll Love
How to Get a Job You ll Love
J. Lees

Written by a leading British careers coach How to Get a Job You'll Love takes a refreshing approach to career planning. Amongst the topics covered are; job search strategies, advice for college leaver...

Getting a Job in Architecture and Design
Getting a Job in Architecture and Design
David Patterson

Better job-hunting skills lead to better jobs. Here a seasoned architect shows how anyone, from student intern to project manager, can go after and find the best opportunities in virtually every aspec...

How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job
How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job
Dale Carnegie

How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job

IT Manager's Handbook Getting your new job done
IT Manager's Handbook Getting your new job done
Bill Holtsnider

Many technical professionals are tossed into their new position of managing an IT department without enough training or experience let alone a clear idea of what is expected of them. Other technicians...

Bob, der Streuner. Die Katze, die mein Leben veränderte/Bob und wie er die Welt sieht. Neue Abenteuer mit dem Streuner
Bob, der Streuner. Die Katze, die mein Leben veränderte/Bob und wie er die Welt sieht. Neue Abenteuer mit dem Streuner
James Bowen
Cykl: Kot Bob, tom 1

Als James Bowen den hungrigen, verwahrlosten Kater vor seiner Wohnungstür fand, hätte man kaum sagen können, wem von beiden es schlechter ging. James schlug sich als Straßenmusiker durch, er hatte ei...

Enterprise Master Data Management: An SOA Approach to Managing Core Information
Enterprise Master Data Management: An SOA Approach to Managing Core Information
Allen Dreibelbis, Eberhard Hechler, Ivan Milman, Martin Oberhofer ...

Companies moving toward flexible SOA architectures often face difficult information management and integration challenges. The master data they rely on is often stored and managed in ways that are red...

Rebound A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss
Rebound A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss
M. Finney

Been laid off? Fired? Pushed out? See it coming? This book will help you get back on your feet, develop a plan of action, and find your next great job! Real answers from real experts: *What to do firs...

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