Najnowsza publikacja Wydawnictwa BOSZ prezentuje ponadczasowe żarty rysunkowe Zbigniewa Lengrena, słynnego rysownika, karykaturzysty, wybitnego satyryka, osoby obdarzonej niezwykłym talentem, poczucie...
This book is a compilation of well researched papers that examine the evolving economic, political and social landscape of South Asia. While celebrating the economic and political growth of the countr...
This monograph presents current results of research on interdisciplinary issues related to socio-economic development from the perspective of ecosystems, specifically the role of international inst...
The report is an attempt at a comprehensive analysis of economic and social considerations related to unconventional gas exploration and production in Poland and its individual regions. The report enc...
Sexy design, distinctive palettes, and creative fonts are the unmistakable trademarks of Bridget de Socio, the outrageous graphic designer whose work is the subject of this book. Known internationally...
Socio-legal researchers increasingly recognise the need to employ a wide variety of methods in studying law and legal phenomena, and that this needs to be informed by an understanding of debates about...
The long-term governance of radioactive waste continues to be a major complex and contentious socio-technical issue worldwide. Traditionally, it has been considered as mainly a challenge to scientists...
A collection of new essays spanning perspectives in evolutionary psychology and sociocultural analysis, which explore what we find physically attractive in others and why.
This book examines mathematics education research from socio-political perspectives. It is organised in dialogic units which examine issues such as the critique of existing research results based on t...