
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stany sagan", znaleziono 8

Pape Satan aleppe. Kroniki płynnego społeczeństwa
Pape Satan aleppe. Kroniki płynnego społeczeństwa
Umberto Eco

Książka, nad którą Umberto Eco pracował do ostatnich chwil życia. Kryzys ideologii, kryzys partii, niepohamowany indywidualizm. Tak wygląda świat, w którym żyjemy. Eco bierze pod lupę dobrze znane bol...

Le Vestale de Satan
Le Vestale de Satan
Michel Weyland
Cykl: Aria, tom 17

L'aventure, cette fois, conduira Aria vers une forêt étrange et meurtrière jusqu'à un vieux temple couvert de tuiles d'or...

Satan A Biography
Satan A Biography
H. Ansgar Kelly

Christians traditionally think of Satan as Lucifer, God's enemy, who rebelled against Him out of pride and then caused Adam and Eve to sin. But, as Ansgar Kelly shows, this portrayal is not biblical b...

What Would Satan Do
What Would Satan Do
Pat Byrnes

In the author's own words - 'We like to think it's easy to know right from wrong. But in the heat of real-world moral decisions, things often arise to cloud our minds. Emotions, desires, talk radio. P...

Birth of Satan
Birth of Satan
T.J. Wray

In The Birth of Satan, T.J. Wray and Gregory Mobley explore how and why this rather innocuous Old Testament character morphed into The Titan of Evil. Wray and Mobley guide the reader through chapters ...

Satan in Goray
Satan in Goray
Izaak Baszewis Singer

In the little town of Goray, laid waste by murder, famine and demonic spirits, the stargazers have reported seeing one Sabbatai Zevi, robed in purple, bedecked with jewels, riding a wild lion into Jer...

Cookies for Satan
Cookies for Satan
Lia Davis
Cykl: Witching After Forty, tom 2

Part-time bookstore clerk, part-time author, necromancer in training, and full-time caretaker of a ghoul are titles that Ava Harper never dreamed of applying to herself. Even with all the crazy goin...

Great Satan Vs. the Mad Mullahs
Great Satan Vs. the Mad Mullahs
W. Beeman

The United States and Iran have been estranged for 25 years. They have carried out a mutual process of demonization that is unprecedented in modern history, based on cultural "hot buttons" that have t...

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