
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "star sany", znaleziono 4

Dzogczen stan doskonałości samej w sobie
2 wydania
Dzogczen stan doskonałości samej w sobie
Czogjal Namkhai Norbu

Dzogczen, inaczej "Wielka doskonałość", to kwintesencja duchowych tradycji Tybetu. Jego synonimem jest Ati joga, która - wedle njingmapy, najstarszej szkoły buddyzmu tybetańskiego - stanowi najwyższy ...

Sand and Stars
Sand and Stars
Ann Carol Crispin, Diane Elizabeth Duane
Cykl: Star Trek: Signature Edition, tom 1
Seria: Star Trek

Vulcan: linchpin member of the United Federation of Planets. Home to a civilization dedicated to o'thia, the ruling ethic of pure logic. But it was not always so; thousands of years before, Vulcans we...

Laura's Star & the Search for Santa
Laura's Star & the Search for Santa
K. Baumgart

One afternoon Laura and Tommy see Santa out of their window. They race after him but see two more Santas down at the shops! Tommy is convinced that there is no real Santa. Can Laura and her star show ...

How Many Stars in the Sky'
How Many Stars in the Sky'
Lenny Hort

Mama's away one night, and her son can't sleep. He tries to relax by counting stars, but the more of them he sees, the more determined he is to count every single one. Then the boy finds that Daddy ca...

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