Apache Jakarta Tomcat is a Java application server, the open-source equivalent to BEA's WebLogic Server. It's also the official reference implementation for Sun's JSP and Servlet technologies. As the ...
Explains XPath in-depth and its connections to related XML technologies. XPath is to XML as SQL is to databases: XML applications need XPath to locate specific data within an XML document for further ...
"If you want to propel your success and dreams to realization, read Kick Start Your Success." —Mark Victor Hansen, cocreator, #1 New York Times bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul and coautho...
.NET Kick Start is the book for developers interested in making the jump to .NET, working programmers already familiar with another programming language or the previous version of Visual Studio. .NET ...
Programmers increasingly use Flash to create database-driven, media-rich applications. On the Web or stand-alone, Flash applications are interactive and, therefore, Flash is becoming more and more att...