Na 3 płytach znajduje się 48 piosenek w trzech wersjach: wokalno-instrumentalnej (służy poznaniu całej piosenki oraz pomaga w jej nauce), wokalnej (wybrany fragment zaproponowany do ćwiczeń ruchowo-sł...
Książeczka z serii Rajdek zawierająca wycinanki, kolorowanki, gry. Krzychu nie może pracować, kiedy jest głodny. Tak jak auta nie mogą jeździć bez paliwa. Rajdek ma odpowiedzialne zadanie, musi ...
Rajdek - Mała Wyścigówka. 3,2,1..Start to książeczka skierowana dla dzieci w wieku 3-6 lat. Rajdek i Błysk przejmują dowodzenie w warsztacie. Czy poradzą sobie z obowiązkami w przeddzień wizyty ważn...
?3, 2, 1? Start!? to seria książeczek o przygodach Rajdka ? czerwonej wyścigówki ze Srebrnego Toru. Historie przedstawione w ramach serii idealnie nadają się do czytania na dobranoc przedszkolakowi.
Od wierszyka do rysunku to program Metody Dobrego Startu oparty na materiale nieliterowym (24 abstrakcyjnych wzorów ułożonych według stopnia trudności). Przygotowany z myślą o dzieciach w wieku przeds...
Prezentowany program oparto na podstawie programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz kształcenia ogólnego w poszczególnych typach szkół. W programie autorki uwzględniły: charakterystykę rozwoju dziecka...
Na srebrnym torze panuje wielkie poruszenie. Samochody szykują się do testowania nowych turbosprężarek.
Star Wars: Wektor to opowieść obejmująca wszystkie ery historii uniwersum Star Wars! Seria łączy cztery cykle Star Wars, rozgrywające się w różnych epokach: Rycerze Starej Republiki, Mroczne Czasy, R...
Store Presentation and Design No. 2 illustrates exactly how store design, visual merchandising, and display have become closely interrelated, and it keeps designers abreast of the latest trends in mat...
One of the most contested issues of the 20th century is that of welfare - how it should be available, to whom, on what terms and by what means. The debate on welfare has taken place across the develop...
The process of globalization is dynamic in the direction of increasing integration. The effects of economic events in one part of the world affect economic affairs in other parts of the world. This bo...
The dream of economists after 1945 was a system of multilateral trade through the International Trade Organization (ITO) to reverse the protectionism of the Great Depression. Since then, a system of p...
Woldwide shipments of digital cameras in 2001 totaled 18.4 million units, a number that's supposed to rise to 41 million by 2006, according to market research firm IDC. All of these new users, ranging...
Business Start-up is a two-level Business English course which takes beginners and false beginners from basic English up to the point where they can start preparing for the BEC Preliminary examination...
Business Start-up is a two-level Business English course which takes beginners and false beginners from basic English up to the point where they can start preparing for the BEC Preliminary examination...
Business Start-up is a two-level (CEF level A1/A2) Business English course for adults who need English for their work. The Teacher's Book contains detailed notes on every lesson with added tips and ad...
Twenty-first-century Europeans are suddenly confronting new choices about their place in the world. The most immediate challenges reflect tensions in the transatlantic partnership --long the keystone ...
Could it be that the more we know about the world, the less we understand it? Could it be that, while everything has been explained, nothing has meaning? Extending the ideas presented in his book In T...
The yearly report aims to examine the progress of European integration and focus on economic aspects of the process. The report will be written in an accessible way focusing on different topics each y...
Here is the first book in the blockbuster trilogy that chronicles the never-before-told story of the young Han Solo. Set before the Star Wars movie adventures, these books chronicle the coming-of-age ...
Discover the origins of the warrior Clans in the conclusion to this thrilling prequel arc in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series. The Dawn of the Clans takes readers back to the ea...
Korbonski (1901-89) tells how he helped found the Polish Underground State during World War II, and along with his wife Zofia transmitted information on events in Poland to the government in exile in ...
Most books on genocide consider it primarily as a twentieth-century phenomenon. In "The Rise of the West and the Coming of Genocide", Levene argues that this approach fails to grasp its true origins. ...