Okres wielkiej konfrontacji to czas, w którym Stany Zjednoczone stawały się mocarstwem, a w polityce zagranicznej przejawiały coraz większą aktywność. Głównym obiektem ich zainteresowania byt Związek...
Paige Winterbourne was always either too young or too rebellious to succeed her mother as leader of one of the world's most powerful elite organizations- the American Coven of Witches. Now that she is...
Most well-read, but non-scientific, people will have heard of the term 'Big Bang' as a description of the origin of the Universe. They will recognize that DNA identifies individuals and will know that...
Provides a thorough introduction to the properties of linear, time-invariant models of dynamical systems, as required for further work in feedback control system design, power system design and analys...