
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "state s ant", znaleziono 3

Globalization and the State v 1
Globalization and the State v 1
C. Pelaez

The process of globalization is dynamic in the direction of increasing integration. The effects of economic events in one part of the world affect economic affairs in other parts of the world. This bo...

Globalization and the State v 2
Globalization and the State v 2
C. Pelaez

The dream of economists after 1945 was a system of multilateral trade through the International Trade Organization (ITO) to reverse the protectionism of the Great Depression. Since then, a system of p...

Investing in Real Estate With Lease Options and Subject-To D
Investing in Real Estate With Lease Options and Subject-To D
Wendy Patton

With lease options and subject-to deals, investors can control properties worth much more than what they could normally afford to purchase. The potential for profit is great and the costs of getting s...

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