
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "studo zar", znaleziono 2

A study of the biology of Lipara Meigen 1830 flies inhabiting the apical part of stems of Phragmites australis Trinius ex Steudel 1841
A study of the biology of Lipara Meigen 1830 flies inhabiting the apical part of stems of Phragmites australis Trinius ex Steudel 1841
Maria Grochowska

W pracy opisano cykl życiowy wszystkich występujących w Polsce gatunków muchówek z rodzaju Lipara (L. lucens, L. similis, L. rufitarsis i L. pullitarsis). Opis każdego z nich zawiera szczegółowe infor...

Study Skills for Part time Students
Study Skills for Part time Students
David Bedford

This book will help to improve confidence and help part-time and distance learning students to build on the skills and experience gained at work. Throughout the book examples are included using real l...

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