While many consider the World Trade Organization to be a major contributor to growth in world income, others view it with suspicion and even animosity. This text provides an overview of the key issues...
Dramat greckich kompleksów zaciska powoli pętlę na szyi Juana i zmusza go do wejścia na nową ścieżkę losu. Przewrotny Chrystus Jodorowskiego wkracza na drogę odkupienia. Prowadząc Juana przez koleje l...
This Directory lists the address, telephone, fax and e-mail numbers, chairman and contact person, and working languages of some 800 EU associations. Also listed are the national member organisations o...
Star Wars Komiks Wydanie Specjalne to 96-stronicowy kwartalnik prezentujący dłuższe, zamknięte historie komiksowe ze świata Gwiezdnych Wojen. Senat Galaktyczny nie potrafił zagwarantować pokoju, jeszc...
Stanisław Michalkiewicz: Jeden z najbardziej znanych polskich publicystów, ur. w 1947 r., z wykształcenia prawnik. Był jednym z założycieli UPR i redaktorem naczelnym tygodnika "Najwyższy CZAS!", pełn...
Człowiek w kasku to opowieść, której nie da się zapomnieć: prawdziwa historia bezinteresownego, lojalnego, pełnego entuzjazmu, pracowitego, ambitnego i empatycznego sportowca, lidera i członka zespołu...
Trade has always been a defining factor in world history and these volumes illustrate this continuity in more than 400 articles, making work essential to students interested in the great industrial an...
Bestselling Reading Workbook series aligned to state and national standards
Bestselling Spelling Workbook series, aligned to state and national standards
Bestselling Writing Workbook series aligned to state and national standards
Bestselling Phonics Workbook series, aligned to state and national standards
This thought-provoking second volume of The Jewish Political Tradition is concerned with the theme of membership. The book brings together the most important texts on membership topics from 3,000 year...
Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Mathematics (Diamond Edition) is a research-based Pre-K-6 curriculum that focuses on developing students conceptual understanding and skills through step-by-step instruct...
This title presents the bestselling holy grail of trading information - now brought completely up to date to give traders an edge in the marketplace. "Sound trading advice and lots of ideas you can us...
Bestselling Spelling Workbook series, aligned to state and national standards
Bestselling Phonics Workbook series, aligned to state and national standards
This book launches a landmark four-volume collaborative work exploring the political thought of the Jewish people from biblical times to the present. The texts and commentaries in Volume I address the...
n contrast to traditional textbooks for students and professionals in the physical sciences, this book presents its material in the form of problems. The second edition contains new chapters on dimens...