Dark Horse's critically acclaimed Conan, now available in an affordable, value-priced omnibus! Showcasing the work of fan favorites Timothy Truman and Tomas Giorello, this action-packed omnibus inclu...
The continuation of Frog and Toad's adventures gives a glimpse of what these rascals are up to all year long, frolicking through a story for each season. This endearing duo can't be beat for providing...
A complete, start-to-finish guide for every researcher to successfully plan and conduct Internet, mail, and telephone surveys, Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method, Third...
Degrippes Gobe is an internationally sought-after firm that is leading the industry with groundbreaking work. This exciting new book shares the expertise of the world-renowned Degrippes Gobe team on a...
Water transport engineering Ships Vessels Electrical equipment Electronic equipment and components Installation Design Maintenance Electric generators Electric power distribution Safety measures Elect...