This accordion-fold booklet contains a series of analytical views of the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf by AMO-OMA and colleagues from the American University of Sharjah, UAE. In a "futurized prese...
Over the last few centuries, the Arab states of the Gulf and Iran have played roles of great strategic and economic significance: whether as a hub of world trade or as major suppliers of the world's e...
Major powers have long sought to pursue their strategic interests in the Gulf region and since the discovery of oil their engagement has increased in significance and intensity. Moreover, internationa...
The Gulf of Gdansk itself and fortifications and naval stations situated on its shores, and most of all hidden in its depths (sunk in the past) ships, vessels, mines, torpedoes and munitions have got ...
Statek "Argo" z ostatnimi Ziemianami na pokładzie samotnie przemierza opanowany przez roboty wszechświat. Kapitan Killeen uparcie kontynuuje poszukiwania galaktycznego centrum. Jego determinacja zaczy...
Wojna w Zatoce Perskiej z 1991 roku to jedna z najbardziej fascynujących kampanii wojskowych współczesnej historii. Zaledwie w ciągu 7 miesięcy w rejonie Zatoki stworzono potężne zgrupowanie amerykań...
For centuries, the Arabian Gulf has been a crossroads where seafaring people and Bedouins alike travelled great distances transacting business. Events of the past few years, both good and bad, have di...
The Gulf War of 1991 heralded a new type of warfare that was characterised by astonishing speed and high technology with remarkably low numbers of casualties amongst the coalition forces. Just under a...
This edited collection surveys the history of the Persian Gulf from ancient times until the present day. Chapters by leading authorities summarize the internal history of the region and highlight the ...
This collection of work by experts from the Persian Gulf region, Europe and the USA covers the theoretical foundations in the international relations of the region and suggests pragmatic solutions to ...
Following the Gulf War, thousands of veterans developed illnesses that medicine was unable to explain. Ten years later many of them remain ill. In "The Irritable Heart" Jeff Wheelwright profiles five ...
This book is the second of two volumes that cover the entire fish fauna of the Gulf of Mexico. It includes the orders Scorpaeniformes, Perciformes, Pleuronectiformes, and Tetraodontiformes. Keys and d...
Complete set Since 1961 the Adelphi Papers have provided some of the most informed accounts of international and strategic relations. Produced by the world renowned International Institute of Strategi...
Colloquial Arabic of the Gulf and Saudi Arabia Specially written by an experienced teacher for self-study or class use, the course offers you a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Arabic of th...
COLLADA, the digital entertainment industry's first standard interchange format for 3D graphics, defines an XML-based schema to enable 3D authoring applications to freely exchange digital assets witho...