W książce w sposób zwięzły i przejrzysty opisano zaburzenia neurologiczne spotykane w codziennej praktyce w czasie pracy na ostrym dyżurze lub w izbie przyjęć, a także w pogotowiu ratunkowym. W części...
Fitness i wellness. Kondycja, sprawność, zdrowie to podręcznik stanowiący absolutny przełom w myśleniu o zdrowym trybie życia. W miarę jak coraz więcej dowiadujemy się o kondycji, dobrym samopoczuciu ...
The goal of this text is to teach students about the characteristics, objectives, and wide-ranging effects of psychological testing. In addition to the breadth of coverage of traditional topics, the f...
Featuring 95 of the most significant buildings of the early twenty-first century, this book includes works by such eminent architects as Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, OMA and Frank Gehry, as well as new...
This brand-new reference offers comprehensive yet succinct guidance on the preparation, assessment, and management of a full range of disasters, both natural and man-made (including the threat of terr...
This book offers a new approach to the subject of macroeconomics. Drawing upon his vast experience of teaching, researching and advising the U.S. government on Economy policy has enabled the author to...