
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "ze o gret r", znaleziono 32

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #9
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #9
Tōru Fujisawa
Cykl: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka, tom 9

Nauczyciel angielskiego okazuje się wrednym podglądaczem. Kunio bardzo kocha matkę, ale boi się, że ta ponownie zechce wyjść za mąż (np. za Onizukę!!!) i zostawi biednego synka samego... :( Sensei Fuy...

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #2
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #2
Tōru Fujisawa
Cykl: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka, tom 2

Onizuka zapomniał o egzaminie państwowym, który jest warunkiem, podjęcia pracy pedagoga. W tej sytuacji ilość propozycji pracy spada do minimum. Onizuka staje przed wyborem czy zatrudnić się w położon...

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #4
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #4
Tōru Fujisawa
Cykl: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka, tom 4

Manga przeznaczona głównie dla publiczności męskiej, lecz dzięki zabawnej, i pouczającej fabule, powinna zainteresować wszystkich uczniów i... nauczycieli. Bohaterem komiksu jest były członek gangu mo...

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #3
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #3
Tōru Fujisawa
Cykl: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka, tom 3

Trzeci tom opowieści o byłym członku gangu motocyklowego, Eikichi Onizuka - osobniku o burzliwej przeszłości naukowej, za którego uniwersyteckie egzaminy zdawał dubler... Barwny bohater pewnego dnia p...

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #5
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #5
Tōru Fujisawa
Cykl: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka, tom 5

Eikichi Onizuka pragnie pokazać swoim wychowankom, jakie talenty ma Tomoko Nomura pieszczotliwie nazywana przez koleżanki `Tłumoko`. Czy dzięki niekonwencjonalnym zabiegom Onizuki, Tomoko uda się udow...

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #6
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #6
Tōru Fujisawa
Cykl: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka, tom 6

Kolejny tom zabawnych przygód Wielkiego Nauczyciela Onizuka.

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #7
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #7
Tōru Fujisawa
Cykl: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka, tom 7

Bohaterem mangi jest były członek gangu motocyklowego, Eikichi Onizuka - osobnik o burzliwej przeszłości naukowej, za którego uniwersyteckie egzaminy zdawał dubler... Barwny bohater pewnego dnia posta...

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #8
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka #8
Cykl: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka, tom 8

Ósma część cyklu komiksów o tytule GTO. Rysunki mangowe i kieszonkowa forma to zalety tego wydania.

Tomek i Jacek. Groźne graty. Tom 2
Tomek i Jacek. Groźne graty. Tom 2
Michał Chojnacki

Zaskakująca i zabawna opowieść dla dzieci. Drugi tom serii, która powstała jako rozwinięcie krótkiej historii nagrodzonej w pierwszej edycji Konkursu imienia Janusza Christy na komiks dla dzieci. Dla ...

The Temple Road Towards a Great India
The Temple Road Towards a Great India
Marta Kudelska, Dorota Kamińska-Jones, Agnieszka Staszczyk, Agata Świerzowska

This book presents an analysis of the foundations organised by the Birla family in India. Several generations were involved in the renovation and establishment of sanctuaries, temples and other sac...

Kreta, Rodos i Santorini. Wyspy pełne słońca. Przewodnik Rekreacyjny. Wydanie 2
Kreta, Rodos i Santorini. Wyspy pełne słońca. Przewodnik Rekreacyjny. Wydanie 2

Wyspy wody i słońca. Białe, kamienne lśnią domy na zboczach, a wąwozy oraz jaskinie kresowe tworzą niezapomniane widoki. To właśnie na Krecie według mitu Dedal i Ikar wzbili się w powietrze, a nić Ari...

What Great Paintings Say v.1 Old Masters in Detail
What Great Paintings Say v.1 Old Masters in Detail
Rose-Marie Hagen

In this volume, the authors explore 27 famous paintings.

The Great Painters of the Italian Renaissance. Volume 1-2
The Great Painters of the Italian Renaissance. Volume 1-2
Eberhard Konig

The Italian Renaissance is one of the most stimulating periods in all cultural history. Yet the more that is written about it, the harder it gets to describe this exciting epoch adequately. Scholarshi...

Great Graphics on a Budget
Great Graphics on a Budget
Simon Dixon

What graphic designer hasn't heard, "we don't have much of a budget"? All too often this is the sad truth. Designers must not only come up with attention-grabbing ideas but, more frequently, do it wit...

A-Z Great Modern Writers
A-Z Great Modern Writers
Taggart Caroline

Artist and graphic designer Andy Tuohy turns his hand to the world of modern literature in this new instalment of the A-Z series. Rendered in his distinctive style, this new book features portraits of...

What a Great Idea 2.0
What a Great Idea 2.0
Charles Thompson

It has sold more than 200,000 copies since 1992—and now the most imaginative guide to thinking creatively is back, in a new and improved version. Author Chic Thompson knows that everyone wants to be m...

Great Popes Through History 2 vols
Great Popes Through History 2 vols
F. Coppa

Concentrating on the most important popes, this work provides an overview of one of the oldest and most influential institutions. Divided into five sections - the early, the medieval, the Renaissance ...

Literary Masterpieces vol.1 The Great Gatsby
Literary Masterpieces vol.1 The Great Gatsby
R. Lathbury

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature ...

Prophets & Dreamers A Selection of Great
Prophets & Dreamers A Selection of Great
M. Weinstein

Fewer than one percent of all books written and published in Yiddish have been translated into English. Those that have give us a window into a culture that celebrates the full range of the human cond...

Confessions of a Sinner Penguin Great Ideas
Confessions of a Sinner Penguin Great Ideas
św. Augustyn z Hippony

Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, out...

750 Great Ideas for Decorating on a Budget
750 Great Ideas for Decorating on a Budget

Country Living`s 750 Style & Design Ideas has sold nearly 50,000 copies-and this lushly photographed follow-up taps right into the red-hot craze. It`s makeovers made easy and affordable!Extreme Home M...

The Great Secret Mysteries of Osiris No 4
The Great Secret Mysteries of Osiris No 4
Christian Jacq

Unrecognisable, the Herald is hiding at the very heart of Abydos. With his accomplices, he is preparing to commit the supreme crime. By bringing death into the kingdom in order to prevent the resurrec...

Spiral Dance. A rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess
Spiral Dance. A rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess

The twentieth anniversary edition of The Spiral Dance celebrates the pivotal role the book has had in bringing Goddess worship to the religious forefront. This bestselling classic is both an unparalle...

3rd Act Writing a Great Ending to Your Screenplay
3rd Act Writing a Great Ending to Your Screenplay
D. Yanno

A film's ending is crucial. It is the last thing an audience sees, and often the last thing it remembers, before leaving the theatre. This screenwriting instructional book offers a structure for the w...

Armada Campaign 1588 The Great Enterprise (C.#86)
Armada Campaign 1588 The Great Enterprise (C.#86)
Angus Konstam

The thwarted invasion of England by the Spanish Armada is studied here in fascinating detail. How, in a few short days, Philip II's fleet was stopped from invading England and forced into full retreat...

101 Reasons Why it's Great to be a Woman
101 Reasons Why it's Great to be a Woman
Mitzi Pinkerton

Woman, a wise man once said, is the future of man. It's a well known fact that women are infinitely superior to men. The essential affirmative bible for the modern woman, this book celebrates all the ...

From So Simple a Beginning Darwin's Four Great Books
From So Simple a Beginning Darwin's Four Great Books
E. Wilson

Never before have the four great works of Charles Darwin - Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle (1845), The Origin of Species (1859), The Descent of Man (1871) and The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals...

Great Power Rivalry in Central Asia 1842-1880 6 vols
Great Power Rivalry in Central Asia 1842-1880 6 vols
M. Ewans

This collection spans the years 1842 to 1880, a crucial period that covers the heightening tension in Central Asia caused by increasing rivalry between the two dominant powers, Britain and Russia, and...

First Graders from MARS #3 Nergal & the Great Space Race
First Graders from MARS #3 Nergal & the Great Space Race
S. Corey

The first graders of Pod 1 are buzzing: It's Martian Health Week! They are learning about the 450 food groups. They are practicing for the space race. Only poor Nergal is so nervous he ties himself in...

Building the World An Encyclopedia of the Great 2 vols
Building the World An Encyclopedia of the Great 2 vols
F. Davidson

From the Taj Mahal to the Suez Canal, from Solomon's Temple to the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline, such feats of "macro-engineering" are a testament to the creativity and foresight of engineers, architects, g...

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