Track the stories of the world's most loved, and most feared crime-fighting team, and get prepared for the release of 'X-Men 3' in May 2006. 'Ultimate X-Men' fills you in on all your favourite charact...
The smart, sassy, sexy sequel to THE FIDELITY FILES. Jennifer Hunter is an expert on men. She can tell if they're single, married or lying... Once a professional honey trap, she now runs a company whi...
"The Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Men" is an essential handbook for any man concerned about aging and how his appearance might affect his standing in the workforce or in the social world. Co...
Totally updated and revised, and now containing a second colour throughout, this essential practical manual and CD-Rom continues to provide optometry students and practitioners with an accessible, cli...
Containing foolproof recipes, this book is designed to introduce men of all ages to the kitchen and transform them into competent cooks.