
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "zima mego", znaleziono 4

Time worth dying for
Time worth dying for
Karolina Jakóbczyk

Kultowe historie miłosne często kończą się dramatem. Romeo i Julia zginęli tragicznie. Jack poświecił się, by Rose przeżyła katastrofę słynnego statku. Czy bilans złamanych serc wzrośnie, gdy los poł...

What Dreams May Come. A Stir of Echoes. Somewhere in Time.*
My Time or Yours
My Time or Yours
Elizabeth Ash
Cykl: King's Road, tom 1

She crossed time to save him. She wasn’t supposed to fall in love. Change the past? Yes. Bring back magic? Definitely. Save a kingdom? If they can manage it. Fall in love? Never. But hearts are rebe...

Time of My Life
Time of My Life
P. Swayze

In January 2008, movie star Patrick Swayze was given the worst news of his life. What he hoped was just a stomach ache was actually stage four pancreatic cancer, a diagnosis that is fatal within a yea...

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