Arthur H. Bell

Autor, 79 lat
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Urodzony 22 stycznia 1946 roku
Arthur H. Bell is Executive Director of MBA Programs at the Masagung Graduate School of Management, University of San Francisco, where he is also Professor of Management Communication. He holds his PhD in English from Harvard University and is the author of 49 books on a variety of management, communication, language, and literature topics. Among his most recent books are Winning with Trust in Business, with R. Cohn (Pelican, 2008), Butterflies Be Gone! Banishing Speaker's Nerves (McGraw-Hill, 2008), and You Can't Talk to Me That Way! Stopping Toxic Language in the Workplace (Career Press, 2006).
Poradniki , Psychologia , Biznes


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Arthur H. Bell

Któż choć raz w swojej karierze zawodowej nie usłyszał przykrych słów wypowiedzianych ostrym bądź zjadliwym tonem przez szefa lub współpracownika? Przemoc słowna jest powszechnym zjawiskiem w wielu fi...

Pocket Guide Thesaurus
Pocket Guide Thesaurus
Arthur H. Bell

This small volume has been expanded to include hundreds more alphabetically arranged entries, each of them followed by an ample list of synonyms.

Winning with Difficult People
Winning with Difficult People
Arthur H. Bell, Dayle M. Smith

The authors point out twelve difficult personality types that can be found in business environments, then offer tips to help readers understand what makes them tick and how the rest of us can best cop...

Writing Effective Letters, Memos, and E-mail
Writing Effective Letters, Memos, and E-mail
Arthur H. Bell

Titles in Barron's Business Success series are quick reads for busy people. They advise career-minded men and women on how to succeed at all levels of management, marketing, and other business undert...

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