Dr. Covadonga Meseguer has a PhD in Political Science (2002) and is a member of the Juan March Institute for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Madrid, Spain). Covadonga has held teaching and research positions at New York University, European University Institute (Florence), Kellogg Institute for International Studies (Notre Dame University), Barcelona Institute for International Studies (IBEI), Nuffield College (Oxford), the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE, Mexico City), the University Carlos III (Madrid), and the London School of Economics and Political Science.
In her first research project, Covadonga explored the international diffusion of market reforms. More recently, her research interests are in comparative and international political economy, political economy of international migration, and Latin American political economy. She is the author of articles that have appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, International Migration Review, International Studies Quarterly, World Development, European Journal of Political Research, European Journal of Political Economy, The Review of International Political Economy, and others. In 2009, she published the book Learning, Policy Making, and Market Reforms (Cambridge University Press). More recently, she co-edited the Special Issue “International Migration and Home Country Politics” , which was published in Studies in Comparative International Development.
Her research has been funded by the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT), The MacArthur Foundation, The British Academy, The Santander Chair of Excellence, and The Leverhulme Trust.
Covadonga is currently an associate professor at the ICADE. She teaches courses on International Political Economy and on Political Economy of International Migration.