David Clark

Autor 2 czytelników
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4 oceny z 4 książek,
przez 1 kanapowicza


Conversation Skills 2.0
Conversation Skills 2.0
David Clark

Discover how to be a smooth-talking conversationalist even if you're shy, awkward, or frequently run out of things to say. Conversation skills are consistently voted one of the most valuable skill s...

Empath, The Survival Guide for Highly Sensitive People
Empath, The Survival Guide for Highly Sensitive People
David Clark

Do you have the uncanny ability to sense exactly what another person is feeling? Are you often told to stop being too sensitive and start having "thicker skin"? Have you ever wondered how other peopl...

Minimalism and Decluttering
Minimalism and Decluttering
David Clark

Is your house strewn with useless clutter you thought would make you happy, but never did? Do you need to let go of meaningless possessions and money-wasting habits, but you just don’t know how to st...

Minimalist Budget
Minimalist Budget
David Clark

Here’s a preview of what you will discover: Fifteen easy steps to bigger savings and a higher income NOW. (These expert-known financial plans will send the numbers on your paychecks and bank balanc...

Business Benchmark. Upper Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book
Business Benchmark. Upper Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book
Guy Brook-Hart, David Clark

Business Benchmark Second edition is the official Cambridge English preparation course for Cambridge English: Business Preliminary, Vantage and Higher (also known as BEC), and BULATS. This Teacher's R...

Elgar Companion to Development Studies
Elgar Companion to Development Studies
David Clark

"The Elgar Companion to Development Studies" is an innovative and utterly unique reference book that includes original contributions covering development economics as well as development studies broad...

Encyclopedia of Law & Society
Encyclopedia of Law & Society
David Clark

SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Encyclopedia of Law and Society. The Encyclopedia is the largest comprehensive and international treatment of the law and society field. With an advisory board ...

Introduction to Ceramic Engineering Design
Introduction to Ceramic Engineering Design
David Clark

Engineering is the application of science and mathematics to achieve useful objectives for the benefit of society. Typically, the goal of an engineering education is to effectively pass on to students...

Tao Warrena Buffetta. Inspiracje mistrza gry giełdowej
Tao Warrena Buffetta. Inspiracje mistrza gry giełdowej
Mary Buffett, David Clark

Po co uczyć się na własnych błędach? Lepiej dowiedzieć się, jak ich nie popełniać... Zasada nr 1. Nigdy nie trać pieniędzy Zasada nr 2. Nigdy nie zapominaj o zasadzie nr 1 Zasada nr 3. Korzystaj z w...

Zarazki, geny a cywilizacja
Zarazki, geny a cywilizacja
David Clark

Kto tak naprawdę rządzi naszą planetą? Ludzie? Nieprawda! Na Ziemi tak naprawdę panują drobnoustroje! Nie tylko biją nas na głowę pod względem populacji. Doktor Clark pokazuje też, jak nasze geny prze...

Zarządzanie w stylu Warrena Buffetta. Sprawdzone narzędzia sukcesu w życiu osobistym i biznesie
Zarządzanie w stylu Warrena Buffetta. Sprawdzone narzędzia sukcesu w życiu osobistym i biznesie
Mary Buffett, David Clark

Techniki zarządzania własnym życiem Dowiedz się, jak sprawić, by postrzegano Cię jako geniusza Zdobądź wiedzę, którą będziesz mógł zastosować w praktyce Naucz się wykorzystywać okazje i przyg...

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