Diana Darke
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Diana Darke

Autorka, 69 lat
Urodzona 6 marca 1956 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (Londyn)
Diana Darke, an Oxford Arabist, has written 16 books on the Near and Middle East, acquiring a rich appreciation of the region, its people, their culture and preoccupations during the 30 years she has lived and worked there. She communicates this in her guides, which are recognised as the leaders in their field, bringing countries to life through a host of colourful insights and through the inhabitants themselves. Her books also contain detailed itineraries and maps, with a wealth of practical information on transport, treks, hotels and restaurants.


Diana Darke

In a region notorious for religious extremism, turbulence and unrest, Omanstands out as an oasis of calm and composure. A growing number of visitorsare discovering a land of awe-inspiring natural land...

Diana Darke

This second edition of Bradt's Syria is the clear market frontrunner,offering more detailed first-hand information on sites, cultural,historical and social background, accommodation and restaurants th...

Tunezja Przewodnik
2 wydania
Tunezja Przewodnik
Diana Darke

Przewodnik po Tunezji zawiera wszystkie informacje niezbędne do zaplanowania udanej podróży - najpopularniejsze zabytki i mniej znane obiekty, dokładne plany miast i trasy wycieczek, ciekawostki i oso...

Diana Darke

Praktyczny przewodnik zawiera informacje potrzebne do zaplanowania i odbycia udanej podróży. Odkrywa przed turystą najciekawsze zabytki, niezwykłe meczety, stare tureckie nekropolie i urocze zakątki u...

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