1,001 Skyscrapers

Jeannie Yoon, Eric Howeler
1,001 Skyscrapers
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This playful book offers the most fun path to designing your own skyscraper. Twenty-five of the most famous skyscrapers have been scaled to the same size and cut into three pieces; these can be recombined to make 15,625 new buildings of your own creation. Fashion the Empire Trade Center or the Chrysler Hancock Tower by mixing and matching the pages. Each building is identified by name, date, and architect and includes a brief history, so this book is educational as well as interactive. The results are sometimes humorous, sometimes fortuitous, and always educational and entertaining. Colorful and affordable, 1,001 Skyscrapers is fun for builders of all ages.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-1-56898-229-8, 9781568982298
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Princeton Architectural Press

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