Abnormal Psychology 14e

James Butcher
Abnormal Psychology 14e
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Since 1948, this distinguished textbook (formerly Carson, Butcher, and Mineka) has been considered the most comprehensive in its field. With this strong academic foundation, the 12th edition introduces new topics, fresh insights, and sharper focus on research in psychopathology. The author team offers students the most thorough explanation of psychopathology possible, and in doing so they create a learning experience that invokes thought, increases awareness, and takes students to levels of understanding that other books do not offer. The Twelfth Edition of this book features a striking new design, updated feature boxes and case studies, the most current research findings, and an esteemed new author, Jill Hooley of Harvard University. Jill Hooley is an experienced psychopathology researcher and Director of Clinical Psychology at Harvard. She brings a fresh perspective and an exceptional background in clinical training and research, particularly in schizophrenia.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-205-68506-6, 9780205685066
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Allyn & Bacon

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