Absorption & Drug Development Solubility Permeability

Alexandre Avdeev
Absorption & Drug Development Solubility Permeability
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Many times drugs work fine when tested outside the body, but when they are tested in the body they fail. One of the major reasons a drug fails is that it cannot be absorb by the body in a way to have the effect it was intended to have. Permeability, Solubility, Dissolution, and Charged State of Ionizable Molecules:Helps drug discovery professionals to eliminate poorly absorbable molecules early in the drug discovery process, which can save drug companies millions of dollars.Extensive tabulations, in appendix format, of properties and structures of about 200 standard drug molecules.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-471-42365-2, 9780471423652
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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