Steven Heller
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Historia plakatu amerykńskiego lat 70. Bogato ilustrowane wydanie. Miękkaokładka, wymiary 19,6x26,5 cm, 704 strony. Both eclipsed and influencedby television American print ads of the 1970s departed from the bold,graphic forms and subtle messages that were typical of 60s advertisements.More literal, more in-your-face, 70s ads sought to capture the attention ofa public accustomed to blaring, to-the-point TV commercials (even VW ads,known for their witty, ironic statements and minimalist designs, losttheir punch in the 1970s). All was not lost, though; as ads are a sign ofthe times, racial and ecological awareness made their way into everythingfrom cigarette to car advertisements, reminding Americans that everydayproducts were hip to the modern age. Marketing specialists studied focusgroups with furious determination to figure out how to best communicate toa mass audience, thus producing such dumbed-down gems as the slogan"Sisters are different from brothers," used for an African-American hairproduct. By the end of the decade, print ads began to recoup, gaining inoriginality and creativity as they began to focus on target audiences bycarefully choosing placement in smaller publications.
ISBN: 978-3-8228-1265-5, 9783822812655
Wydawnictwo: Taschen

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