Anglo Dutsch Wars of 17th

R. Jones
Anglo Dutsch Wars of 17th
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This study of the Anglo--Dutch Wars (1652-54, 1665-67, 1672-74) sets them in their naval, political and economic contexts. Competing essentially over trade, both governments were crucially influenced by mercantile interests and by the representative institutions that were central to England and the Dutch Republic. Professor Jones compares the effectiveness of the governments under pressure - English with Dutch, Commonwealth with restored monarchy, Republican with Orangist - and the effects on their economies; and examines the importance of the wars in accelerating the formation of a professional officer corps and establishing battle tactics that would endure throughout the age of sail.* considers the role and influence of powerful mercantile interest groups on government policy for both countries* examines the importance of the wars on the development of military strategy * written by an acknowledged expert in the field
Data wydania: 1996
ISBN: 978-0-582-05630-5, 9780582056305
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Longman Group

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