Antioxidants in Diabetes Management

Lester Packer
Antioxidants in Diabetes Management
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This volume summarizes current understanding of the pathogenic role of oxidative stress in the onset and progression of diabetes and its complications, and presents results of studies aimed at regulating oxidatively induced complications through the use of antioxidants. Examines the presence of impaired microcirculation, capillary hypoxia, and ischemia syndrome in diabetic complications! Designed to stimulate scientific discussion and curiosity about the causes of diabetes, with contributions from nearly 65 clinicians and researchers who cite more than 1300 sources, Antioxidants in Diabetes Management ? focuses on stringent control of hyperglycemia to prevent or modify onset and progression ? promotes the development of intervention strategies because of the therapeutic limitations of hypoglycemic therapy ? emphasizes the potential synergistic effects of an interlinked antioxidant network ? investigates the controversy surrounding the significance of oxidative stress markers in diabetes ? highlights oxidative stress and antioxidant treatment in animal models for juvenile and adult onset diabetes ? explores the hypothesis that ischemic reperfusion is the primary cause of diabetic polyneuropathy ? links protein kinase C activation to the development of diabetic vascular complications and the effectiveness of vitamin E in preventing these abnormalities ? spotlights recent clinical trials of therapeutic effects of antioxidants to reduce insulin resistance ? and much more! Illustrating the therapeutic potential of antioxidants for the treatment of diabetes, Antioxidants in Diabetes Management is an unparalleled reference for endocrinologists, nutritionists and dietitians, cell biologists and biochemists, cardiologists, pathologists, and graduate and medical school students in these disciplines.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-8247-8844-5, 9780824788445
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Marcel Dekker

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