Atlas of Foot & Ankle Surgery

Nikolas Wulker
Atlas of Foot & Ankle Surgery
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Presented according to how foot and ankle pathology is encountered by most orthopaedic surgeons in their practice, this atlas includes chapters dealing with individual common procedures, such as the soft tissue procedure for hullux valgus, as well as sections discussing diagnosis, such as metatarsalgia or cavus foot, and a number of different surgical treatment options. With pathology, diagnostic techniques and alternative methods of treatment detailed throughout, the scope of each chapter exceeds surgical instructions alone. Building upon the success of the first, this second edition of An Atlas of Foot and Ankle Surgery boasts an international selection of expert contributors to represent the current practice of foot and ankle surgery throughout the world. This atlas should be of interest not only to specialist surgeons wishing to gain further experience, but also to general orthopaedists and surgeons in training who have an interest in disorders of the foot and ankle.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-84184-195-3, 9781841841953
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Taylor & Francis

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