Atlas of Religion

Martin Palmer
Atlas of Religion
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This work maps out the history, beliefs, influence and interactions of the world's religions. The world's religions have emerged as one of the great geopolitical forces shaping our lives. Understanding these beliefs is crucial to understanding ethnic tension and the clash of cultures as well as being fundamental to world peace. Even where people have moved away from formal religious practices, the legacies of traditional beliefs continue to inform their sense of self, and their values and customs. This atlas maps the current impact of major religions and their divisions. It shows country by country how religions spread their influence through broadcasting, missionary work, schooling and banking; how they relate to government, laws and world hunger; and the role they play in wars. It traces the emergence of new religious movements, the survival of traditional beliefs, and the presence of atheism and agnosticism. It also maps the origins of each of the major religions as well as their heartlands and the sacred places of the world. For essential background, there is also a table on the fundamental beliefs of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Taoism.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-84407-308-5, 9781844073085
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Earthscan

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