The Biographisches Handbuch der deutschen Politik contains extensive information on some 4,400 people who have shaped German politics -- now, for the first time, available in a single, compact reference work. It contains governments and parliaments in the republic and the federal states, the communal level, the party leadership, and the most important social interest groups. The Supplement contains valuable summaries, tables and indexes covering, among other things, the result of the last presidential election, parliamentary parties and party committees in the Bundestag, members of the federal government, results of the last state elections, parties and committees in the individual state parliaments, members of the state governments, composition of the Bundesrat, parliamentary parties and party committees of the European Parliament, executive committees of political parties, and an index of places of birth.The Handbook contains details on the following people:President of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundespräsident), members of the federal government (Bundesregierung), members of the 15th Bundestag (House of Parliament), authorized representatives of the federal states for the Federal Republic, of the governments of the individual federal states, members of the Landtage (state parliaments), members of the Bundesrat (chamber of federal representatives), members of the European Parliament and the European CommissionMayors (Bürgermeister) of municipalities consisting of at least 50,000 inhabitants Chairpersons, general secretaries, members of the party committee, executive and council, executive members of political parties at federal and state levelLeading representatives of interest groups, e.g. employers? associations, farmers? associations, trade unions.Members of the Committee of the German Congress of Municipalities (Städtetag)Federal constitutional judges.Each entry contains the following information:Name, date and place of birth, current political positions, confessionPlace of residence, contact adresses (with telephone, fax, e-mail and internet, where available)Education, careerHonorary positionsMembership in organizations, societies and associationsChairmanships and executive committee positions in commercial enterprises and associationsPolitical careerHonoursPublications, literature, deposits.