Birth of Light Body

Nada Yolanda
Birth of Light Body
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Two thousand years ago, Christ Jesus of Nazareth demonstrated the immortal, incorruptible, etheric light body inherent to each child of God. This spiritual treatise presents a comprehensive, step-by-step approach for birthing the light body on Earth. Jesus' life portrays a cosmic drama that all may follow to demonstrate the I Am Self through mind, body and soul. Twelve spiritual characteristics, symbolised by the twelve apostles of Christ Jesus, outpicture as twelve major systems of the physical body. Each spiritual initiate must refine and master each characteristic in order to manifest fully I Am consciousness on Earth. Chapters include: Faith, Strength, Love, Wisdom, Will, Power, Imagination, Understanding, Order, Zeal, Regeneration, Elimination. Medical data by Robert H Knapp MD. Color visualizations. Song inspirations. Glossary.
Data wydania: 1995
ISBN: 978-0-912322-07-0, 9780912322070
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mark-Age

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