Book Five: The Parting

Book Five: The Parting
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"Several children--Rebecca, Noah, Theo, and Max--and their 'Grandpa Gabe' are in the unsafe world of ElseWhere, a dreamlike and sometimes frightening realm. As book five starts, Rebecca, Noah, and Theo have become possessed and the two remaining characters have to both fight and save them. The possession is not explained, and it, like other parts of the story, readers are supposed to know from reading past volumes. Even saving the friends from possession doesn't make them safe, as Noah is then seemingly killed by a sand whale, causing the children to grieve and contemplate the unfairness of the world. One especially fascinating section has the characters enter a formerly holy spot, filled with giant dandelions, where tribes used to bless their dead in order to get them ready to join the god of the stars. This short book manages to be full of action and enthralling--if occasionally creepy--images. While it's tough to start this series this far into the game, the adventure--and questioning of reality--makes this a worthwhile entry in the fantasy adventure comic field. Originally published in France, the illustrations have the satisfying realism and storytelling of the European comics style." --Publishers Weekly  
Data wydania: 2011-11-01
ISBN: 0-7613-7524-4, 0761375244
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Graphic Universe
Cykl: The Elsewhere Chronicles, tom 5
Kategoria: Komiks
Stron: 48

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