Bosnia and Herzegovina has emerged from the ashes of war to become one ofthe most exotic destinations of southeast Europe, an ancient crossroadswhere east meets west. Written by an author who has lived in the countrysince 1992, this third edition of Bradt's Bosnia & Herzegovina is the onlyguidebook in English dedicated to the country. It offers the most in-depthcoverage on the market to this mountainous land blessed with thick forestsand deep river canyons, where medieval highland villages and world-classhiking vie with a cosmopolitan cafe culture for the visitor's attention. . The only guidebook dedicated to B&H in English, written by an author whohas lived in the country since 1992 . Detailed information on wildlife,national parks and walking routes that you'll find in no other book . Morecomprehensive coverage of history, culture and sites than other guidebooksoffer