Called by Blood

Evie Byrne
Called by Blood
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Think it’s glamorous being a vampire? Think again. The Faustin Bros., Book 1 Alexander Faustin is ready to settle down. He travels from NYC to sunny Colorado to find his destined bride. His delicate mission: to explain to her that vamps exist, that he happens to be one himself, and that he’d like her to be one, too. But the moment he lays eyes on Helena MacAllister, talk is the last thing on his mind. It’s not like Helena to make out with a stranger on her front porch, much less invite him into her bed. Somehow Alex makes her feel safe, even while he’s dismantling her defenses. But in the wake of an accident, her faith in him is shattered. She learns her dream lover is a monster. When a vampire betrays and terrifies his beloved, what can he offer her to make it up? Pancakes, of course. It’s a start, at least. And Alex has to think of the next step quick, because if Helena won’t take him back, he’ll never love again.  
Data wydania: 2009-02-03
ISBN: 978-1-60504-244-2, 9781605042442
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Samhain Publishing
Cykl: The Faustin Bros, tom 1
Stron: 175
dodana przez: kazal_ka

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