Cell Biology of Addiction

Bertha Madras
Cell Biology of Addiction
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This monograph, written by experts in the field, is devoted to the molecular analysis of addiction pathways in the brain. It provides an intensive overview of the fundamentals, state-of-the-art advances, and major gaps in the cell and molecular biology of drug addiction within the broader context of neuroscience. Addiction research is a branch of neuroscience and psychology. The emphasis in this book is on hard science and the market for it will be found among research investigators and grad students within the field of neuroscience. The research presented is not only applicable to the study of drug abuse and addiction, but has clear implications for clarifying mechanisms of learning and memory, neuroadaptation, perception, volitional behavior, motivation, reward, and other disciplines of neuroscience.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-87969-753-2, 9780879697532
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

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