Chambers Primary Rhyming Dictionary

Chambers Primary Rhyming Dictionary
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Chambers Primary Rhyming Dictionary provides all the resources children aged 7-11 need to create their own rhymes and poems. Groups of rhyming words are clearly and attractively presented in a two-colour format with many entertaining illustrations, and an easy-to-use index makes it a simple task for even the youngest user to find the rhymes he or she wants. And as a special feature, forty delightful short verses, specially written for the book by well-known poet Benjamin Zephaniah, show what can be done with rhyming words and provide inspiration for the junior poet."Chambers Primary Rhyming Dictionary" provides all the resources children need to create their own rhymes and poems, with groups of rhyming words clearly and attractively presented in a two-colour format. An easy-to-use index makes it a simple task for even the youngest user to the find the rhyme he or she wants.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-550-10089-4, 9780550100894
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Chambers

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