Chasing Destiny

Megan Erickson
Chasing Destiny
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Some live on memories… Almost dying during a pack uprising has a way of shaking things up. I’m no longer Mr. Laid Back now that there’s an itch under my skin I can’t scratch. On a volunteer mission that goes beyond the walls of our compound, we enter the territory of a pack long thought dead, and find ourselves on the business end of their spears. What I’m not prepared for is what I find within their walls—The one shifter I never thought I’d see alive, the one I’d mourned twice, the one I’d always loved. He is alive, and if I have anything to do with it, he’ll stay that way. But he’s got secrets, and exposing them could lead us to an enemy worse than the bloodthirsty undead shifters wanting to kill us all…  
Data wydania: 2017-07-21
ISBN: 1-9739-5284-X, 197395284X
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: Silver Tip Pack, tom 2
Stron: 224
dodana przez: bookkeeper


Megan Erickson Megan Erickson Megan Erickson is a USA Today bestselling author of romance that sizzles. Her books have a touch of nerd, a dash of humor, and always have a happily ever after. A former journalist, she switched to fiction when she decided she liked writing her own ...

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