Make it Right

Megan Erickson
Make it Right
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Max Payton lives by two rules: Size and strength win any fight, and never show weakness. When a rash of assaults sends Bowler University for a tail spin, Max volunteers to help teach a self-defense class. One of the other instructors is the beautiful pixie-faced girl he keeps butting heads with…and who challenges everything he thought he knew. Lea Travers avoids guys like Max - cocky jocks who assume she's fragile because of a disability caused by a childhood accident. She likes to be in control, and something about being with Max makes her feel anything but. But during the moments he lets his guard down, Lea sees a soul as broken inside as she is outside. Trusting him is a whole other problem... When the assaults ramp up and hit close to home, Lea and Max must learn, before it’s too late, that true strength can come from vulnerability…and giving in to trust is sometimes the only way to make things right.  
Data wydania: 2014-09-09
ISBN: 0-06-235349-7, 0062353497
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: William Morrow & Co
Cykl: Bowler University, tom 2
Stron: 336
dodana przez: katapika


Megan Erickson Megan Erickson Megan Erickson is a USA Today bestselling author of romance that sizzles. Her books have a touch of nerd, a dash of humor, and always have a happily ever after. A former journalist, she switched to fiction when she decided she liked writing her own ...

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Chasing Destiny Daring Fate Fast Connection Hard Wired Make it Count Make it Right Mature Content Strong Signal
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