Clinically Oriented Anatomy 5e + 2CD-ROMs

Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley
Clinically Oriented Anatomy 5e + 2CD-ROMs
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Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Fifth Edition provides first-year medical and allied health students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This book is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy, presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and physical therapy. This latest edition is fully updated with new content and additional features, including new surface anatomy and updated diagnostic images, new 'Bottom Line' summaries that reinforce important concepts, and new clinical 'Blue' boxes. Two bound-in CD-ROMs contain interactive case studies, USMLE-style review questions, and layered, rotatable anatomical illustrations generated from three-dimensional models of MRI images. FEATURES: Streamlined. The text has been streamlined by eliminating repetition, using tables to convey information where appropriate, and shortening figure legends. Revised! Art and Image Program, over 130 new illustrations and photos. The majority of the surface anatomy photos have been replaced with new photos; many diagnostic images have also been replaced. The new photos and images give students a clear understanding of surface anatomy and introduce them to important principles underlying anatomical diagnostic imaging. Revised! Illustrated Tables. A key feature of COA has always been its clearly written and illustrated tables. These tables provide students with key information (origin, insertion, action, location) on muscles, nerves, and arteries, in a format that aids comprehension. NEW TO THIS EDITION: Bottom Line Boxes. Each main topic now ends with a new 'Bottom Line' summary that reinforces important concepts and facts. More Functional Anatomy. Functional anatomy is used to illustrate the mechanics of movement, where appropriate, allowing students to appreciate anatomy in motion. This perspective is crucial to the understanding of mechanism of injury. Two FREE Student CD-ROM's packaged with each copy of the Fifth edition: A student CD-ROM is included with each copy of the book. The CD contains interactive case studies that highlight the application of anatomy to clinical practice and 135 all-new USMLE-style review questions. Interactive Functional Anatomy CD-ROM, produced by Primal Pictures, is also included. Interactive Functional Anatomy uses three-dimensional models of MRI images to generate a unique body of layered, rotatable anatomical illustrations. Annotations accompany the images to provide information about the anatomy being viewed. Cases are also included, as well as a bank of multiple-choice questions. Instructor's Resource CD-ROM. This CD-ROM contains all of the figures and photographs from the book, as well as a question bank containing approximately 500 test questions with answers. The images will be available in labeled and unlabeled versions and in PDF and JPEG formats. Visit our faculty support centre - Connection Lecturers - Click here to order a Review Copy of this title.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-7817-3639-8, 9780781736398
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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