Commercial Law

Pamela E. MacIntyre
Commercial Law
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This work: presents the essentials of commercial law in clear and straightforward language, explaining the basic principles; includes diagrams and flowcharts to ensure clarity of tricky areas; uses bulleted and numbered lists throughout to make information easy to digest; and contains an examination checklist to ensure key points have been learnt. It: provides sample questions with model answers to ensure students are fully prepared for how questions are likely to be posed and how best to respond for maximum marks; analyses cases on the meaning of satisfactory quality; includes new cases on the meaning of 'acceptance' (s.35 SGA); sets out the new additional rights of buyers in consumer cases; and considers the rights and duties of self-employed commercial agents.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-421-79740-6, 9780421797406
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Sweet-Maxwell

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